
Why Does Italy Allow Blue Panorama Airlines To Rip-Off Passengers?

Why Does Albania Allow Its Airlines To Rip-Off Foreigners?
Image by Ken Fielding

If you travel to Italy and the surrounding area, there is an airline scam you need to watch out for. It is shocking this practice is allowed inside the European Union where consumers are supposed to be taken care of.

The perpetrator is Blue Panorama Airlines. The scam is simple. When buying an airline ticket, many people do not include their middle name on the ticket itself, which does not match their passport exactly.

If you’re flying Blue Panorama, a ‘discount’ airline based in Italy, this practice will cost you, possibly hundreds of euros for a family.

If your passport does not match your ticket exactly, you will be forced to pay another 60-100 euros to ‘fix your ticket’ before you are allowed to board. To make matters worse, you will have to search out the out-of-the-way person in a small kiosk in the bowels of the airport, where of course, a line of 25 people is waiting there before you to ‘fix’ their ticket also. Most passengers do not want to miss their flight with this last minute problem and just ‘pay to play’.

Screenshot Trip Advisor

Tsarizm’s reporter, on the way to Albania, was so angry they actually filed a police report with the Italian airport police, who ended up calling the CEO of the airline to inquire about the practice. The company gave some lame excuse that the practice is needed to ‘prevent human trafficking’. Of course, Blue Panorama is the only airline that I know of ripping off customers this way so it must be the only airline working against human trafficking.

The European Union should investigate. This is corruption, pure and simple thievery.

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1 comment

James Romano October 1, 2019 at 9:12 am

if the option to add your middle initial is not available, simple solution is to add it in with your first name with a space in between.


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