Albanian Diaspora Asks EU Support Against Politicians Who Whitewash Communism
Albanian Diaspora Asks EU Support Against Politicians Who Whitewash Communism.
Albanian Diaspora Asks EU Support Against Politicians Who Whitewash Communism.
Spaç Prison And Ghosts Of A Brutal Communist Past.
Nicholas II’s Backside Breaks The Internet With Resurfaced Skinny-Dipping Photos.
Painted Bones Spark 4,500-Year-Old Burial Mystery In Ukraine.
Image by Putin, just like pretty much everyone with the minor exception of a few honest politicians and over sixty million Americans is placing a heavy bet against Trump. And like everyone who has ever bet against Trump, he is going to lose. Trump’s election presented Putin with a…
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Russia Will Never Willingly Allow Kim To Be Deposed.
American policy in Eastern Europe suffers from three major problems: historical myopia, historical revisionism, and cultural imperialism. In a region of the world where the Austro-Hungarian and the Ottoman Empires are still as present in people’s minds as they were on the threshold of the First World War, America’s policies…
It’s nice to be tsar! Russian President Vladimir Putin literally changed history with a few comments to mine workers during a meeting recently. A Weekend in Moscow…ooh, la, la! Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible famously murdered his own son by striking him in the head during an argument. This came…