Breaking News From The Balkans, Corruption And Elections
Breaking News From The Balkans, Corruption And Elections.
Breaking News From The Balkans, Corruption And Elections.
Image by Flogert Dollani Tons of Drugs have crossed the border from Albania to Italy and make it a fact that this kind of trade has had police protection. For this reason, since 2013 the Italian anti-mafia police have launched an investigation that recently put behind bars a group of…
Image by RIA Novosti Russia may install temporary border crossing checkpoints with Belarus. Since the two nations are the only two members of The Union State, set up after the fall of the Soviet Union, border crossings have been mostly nonexistent. However, during a recent financial dispute over payment of…
Kozeta Cika contributed to this article Image by LA(Phot) Dean Nixon Technical Minister of Internal Affairs, Dritan Demiraj, during an interview on Report TV, stated that the war against drugs is not over yet. “There is a list of 124 people involved in narcotic trafficking. Part of the list are…