New Missile Technology Fitted To SU-25, Russia’s Answer To The A-10
New Missile Technology Fitted To SU-25, Russia’s Answer To The A-10…
New Missile Technology Fitted To SU-25, Russia’s Answer To The A-10…
Recently news leaked that Russian combat aircraft purposefully bombed a secret US base on the Jordanian, Syrian border. US and British troops were active from time to time at the facility. Since the base was not in the normal attack area of the Russian and Syrian forces, the Pentagon confirmed…
The Chechen Terror Problem Explained in 99 Seconds…
US military officials believe Russia aircraft, operating out of Syria in June, purposefully bombed a secret US facility in Syrian territory near the Jordanian border. The Wall Street Journal reports that Russia took the action against the base, that sometimes housed secret American and British forces, in order to pressure…
The pro-Russian separatists of East Ukraine have designed their flag after the American Confederacy’s battle flag. Here is a video of the original rebel yell…