Analysis of current events in Russia, the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
[Israel] We spoke with Israeli General Israel Ziv this week on his exoneration by the U.S. government on illicit arms trading accusations in conjunction with the General’s agricultural work in Sudan. The allegations included providing weapons and ammunition to both sides of the conflict. The United States Treasury Department has…
BREAKING: White House Believes COVID-19 Came From Wuhan Bio Lab…Incident Could Mean End Of Communist Party Rule In China.
“Two Romes have fallen. The third stands. And there will be no fourth. No one shall replace your Christian Tsardom!” Letter composed by the Russian monk Philotheus in 1510 to their son Grand Duke Vasilli III —————————————- Templar is truly a fearless knight, and secure on every side, for his soul is…
WOOD: Star Wars Redux…Russia Really Wants START Treaty Renewed.
Perspective On Elections In Iran…Does Rouhani Resign?
Report: Chinese Scientists Find “Killer Coronavirus Probably Originated From A Laboratory In Wuhan” (UNC Researchers Possibly Involved).