Middle East

Video: Iranian Rebels Bombing Major Government Targets – Interior Ministry Hit Recently

Video: Iranian Rebels Bombing Major Government Targets - Interior Ministry Hit Today

Defiant Iranian youth are stepping up their campaign against the regime of the mullahs, now bombing important government targets.

Statement below from the National Council of Resistance in Iran…on recent bombing of Iranian Interior Ministry.

Earlier this morning, Monday, February 17, on the eve of the parliamentary election farce, defiant youth targeted the clerical regime’s Interior Ministry on Tehran’s Fatemi Street. Parts of the building caught fire.

The Interior Ministry played a critical role in suppressing the Iranian people’s nationwide uprising in November 2019 and is responsible for holding the mullahs’ parliamentary sham election and astronomical fraud and vote rigging.

The Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli, who had called for the crackdown on the November 2019 uprising, thanked the State Security Force and the IRGC for the massacre of the protesters. On December 17, 2019, in response to a question by Mahmoud Sadeqi, the Majlis (Parliament) deputy from Karaj, as to why protesters had been shot in the head, Rahmani Fazli brazenly replied, “Well, they were shot in the leg too.”

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