Middle East

Iraq: A Doctor Describes The Recent Protests And Battle For Sinak Bridge In Baghdad

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Interview with Doctor Mustafa, chief of staff of the mobile clinics at the Republic brigade and Sinak bridges in Baghdad.

I am a doctor, and an employee of the health ministry. I have since 25th of October been treating protestors injured in the current demonstrations. I am the chief supervisor here in Republic Bridge and Sinak areas. I am responsible for five mobile clinics on the frontline. The frontline for us is the area between us and the forces shooting at us, who are the forces present inside and protecting the Green Zone.

Since the beginning of the demonstrations, there has been massive gunfire on the protestors. I am an expert on various types of tear gas. The gas that has been used here in recent days is not appropriate for use against civilian demonstrations. It is for military use, according to accepted international categories. The weight of a tear gas canister should be 50 – 80 grams max. But here we have Serbian and Bulgarian made tear gas canisters in use which weigh 150- 350 g. These are intended for use only in battle and war zones. The Iraqi army used them against Islamic State. Now they use it against us…

To read more visit MECRA.

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