Middle East

Iran Singles Out UAE And Saudi Arabia In Latest Comments About Baluchestan Terror

Iran Singles Out UAE And Saudi Arabia In Latest Comments About Baluchestan Terror
Image by Uwe Dering
Locator map Iran Sistan and Baluchestan Province

Iran has singled out the UAE and Saudi Arabia, as well as the usual comments attacking the US and Israel, in its comments after an attack targeted the IRGC in southeast Iran.

“The patience that the establishment once exercised against conspiracies and reactionary regimes in the region, especially Saudi Arabia and the UAE which carry out these acts on orders from the US and the Zionist regime, will be different and we will definitely take reparative measures”, General Mohammad Ali Jafari of the IRGC said.

The comments were top of the Iranian websites Fars News and Tasnim News on Saturday, February 16, just days after the attack. It is important because initially Javad Zarif had linked the attack to the US Warsaw Summit on February 13.

The US has upped rhetoric against Iran between the Warsaw meetings and the Munich Security Conference. Vice-President Pence hammered Iran in comments and Mike Pompeo also called Iran a threat to the region. The attack against the IRGC targeted a bus and killed 27. It was claimed by Jaish al-Adl, a group that is active in Sistan and Baluchestan province.

Although Pakistan came in for the most critique, headlines singled out Saudi Arabia and the UAE for blame. “The treacherous governments of Saudi Arabia and the Emirates know the patience of the Islamic Republic and our system will not tolerate your covert support from humanist and Takfirist groups,” the commander said.

Of particular interest was the continual mention of the UAE. “He emphasized that the treacherous governments of the UAE and Saudi Arabia know that the patience of the Islamic Republic of Iran has come to an end and that the Islamic system will not tolerate your covert support from Takfiri groups, saying: Avenging the blood of our martyrs from the UAE and Saudi Arabia We will call on the President to release our hands for revenge operations more than ever before.”

The call for vengeance is also a new and tough rhetoric against the UAE. “We will revenge the blood of our martyrs from the governments of the UAE and Saudi Arabia, with the emphasis that the treacherous governments of the UAE and Saudi Arabia know that the Islamic Republic’s patience has come to an end and the Islamic system will not tolerate your covert support from Takfiri groups.”

After the Ahwaz attack Iran launched missiles at ISIS in Syria.

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