Eastern Europe

SOURCE: Globalists Are Working To Replace Volodymyr Zelenskiy With Former Ukrainian President Yuschchenko

Image by Vlad Vzutyy

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KYIV – Sources in Ukraine are informing Tsarizm that the days of President Volodymyr Zelenskiy are numbered, and the globalist puppet masters are looking to replace Zelenksiy on the throne with former Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko

Yushchenko famously rose to power in 2005 on the back of the Orange Revolution, which saw the election of Viktor Yanukovych overturned by a populist revolt, mostly supported by Western Ukrainians against the East, who supported the more pro-Russian option.

Yushchenko was later poisoned, allegedly by the Russian security apparatus with the chemical dioxin, which caused his face to be disfigured.

The pro-Moscow, yet gloriously corrupt Yanukovych (he was found to have a gold toilet and gold bars in his kitchen cabinets) was re-elected in 2010, only to see the 2014 ‘Maidan Revolution’ remove him from power and install Chocolate oligarch Petro Poroshenko into office.

The same regional power struggle is happening today, with Russian forces intervening militarily on the side of more ethnic Russians in the Donbass region when war broke out after Maidan. The war escalated in 2022 with the invasion of Western Ukraine by Russian forces.

Poroshenko was instrumental in laundering billions of Western aid through the Ukrainian central bank, which saw Volodymyr Zelenskiy installed years later.

Image by Erfah Kouchari

In a Ukrainian circle of life, Viktor Yushchenko is now reported to be next in line for power after the reportedly corrupt and Western-controlled Zelenskiy is soon removed. Zelenskiy is serving outside the limits of the Ukrainian constitution, having refused to allow a national election due to the war.

Viktor Yanukovich fled to Moscow after being forced from power, and remains there to this day.

There is now reported growing evidence of a public relations campaign in the Ukrainian and global press to elevate Yushchenko once again into Ukrainian political circles and prepare for his return.

Yushchenko was president from 2005 to 2010 following Ukraine’s Orange Revolution in which civic resistance resulted in a recount of the 2004 presidential election run-off which was seen to have been marred by corruption, voter intimidation, and electoral fraud, writes GroundUp.

Yushchenko, who was in Cape Town independently of the event, said Ukraine would “never be able to shake hands with (Putin), as he is standing on our throats”. He urged South Africans to stand with Ukraine, and “be on the right side”.

US Consul General Todd Haskell said the USA supported “the sovereignty of Ukraine”, with US President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken having made it clear that “Russia chose this war”.

Yuschenko’s wife, Katerina Pryimachenko, has been accused of having CIA connections.

During the 2004 Ukrainian presidential election campaign, she was accused of exerting the influence of the U.S. government on her husband’s decisions, as an employee of the U.S. government or even a Central Intelligence Agency agent, writes Wikipedia.

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