Eastern Europe

Darya Dugina Killed In Car Bomb Meant For Her Father Alexander’ – One Of Putin’s Closest Advisors

Image by Mahdieh Gaforian

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Editor’s Note – Some Russians expressed skepticism over the death, thinking it may be staged for internal political reasons, and to keep support for the ‘special military operation’ in Ukraine at high levels.

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By Christine Dolan

A car belonging to the daughter of Alexander Dugin’s exploded on Mozhayskoye highway in Moscow shortly before 10pm local time on Saturday night. 

Darya Dugin is the daughter of the Russian political scientist and philosopher Alexander Dugin, who is close to President Vladimir Putin. 

 Witnesses claim the car his daughter was driving blew up in the middle of the road scattering debris. 

Dugin and his daughter had attended an event, and she was expected to drive her father after the event. 

Plans changed and he was in a different car. 

There is no official confirmation or information on the cause of the explosion, but there is plenty of speculation that it could have been an attempted assassination targeting Alexander Dugin for his close association with Putin. 

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Aileen Zumpol August 21, 2022 at 12:18 am

God Bless Our President Mr. Donald Trump ! ! !

runningmyrace August 21, 2022 at 7:55 am

Heavenly Father, we thank you in the name of Jesus, that you are fully and totally in control and that nothing gets past your attention and love. Abba, we thank You and trust You that Darya is in Your loving presence right now even as I type this prayer. We pray for Your comfort and peace that passes all understanding for her father and all those who love her. And Father, we ask the same for all whose time here was cut short by the enemy or who have experienced the loss of a loved one in this time. Protect those who are in any way perceived as threats to our enemies. Thank you for covering and giving discernment and wisdom to Your children today and forever. Lord, we give all Glory, Honor and Praise to You. Amen

Carla August 22, 2022 at 3:51 pm

It was the CIA. Ukraine is the 4th most corrupt country and our Biden Obama regime is financing this bunch of Nazi criminals. The CIA is one of the most corrupt unAmerican spy agencies in the world. Owned and directed by the NWO, not working for American people’s interest.
I pray she was not in the car. But, they can blame Obama CIA.

res August 30, 2022 at 10:10 pm

I’ve been told, by people with credentials and authority that Putin and Dugin have never met, by others that they may have been in the same room once or twice many, many years ago. And that there is not one photo of them, ever, together. How then, is Dugin one of Putin’s ‘closest advisors?’ That’s a western fantasy very popular with the tabloid press and mindset. I’d like to see your factual back-up for this article, with photos please…of that tight relationship.


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