Image by Tiia Monto
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The Ukrainian government is sounding the alarm on an alleged power failure at the Chernobyle nuclear site due to Russian artilery fire, declaring that backup generators will only last a few hours before radiation is released on a large scale. The Kremlin denies this scenario, saying the reactor is fine.
According to Ukrainian reports — Electricity is off on Chernobyl Nuclear Station according to Ukrenergo, the operator of power grid. What threatens the blackout of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant — an explanation from Energoatom...
About 20,000 spent fuel assemblies are stored at the Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility-1. They need constant cooling. This is only possible if there is a power supply. If it is not there, then the pumps will not produce cooling. Radioactive cloud can be transferred by wind to other regions of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Europe; Ventilation at the facility will also not work.
The fire extinguishing system also does not work. Currently, hostilities continue, which makes it impossible to carry out repair work and resume power supply;
Comments from the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs below.
The situation at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is controlled jointly by Russian troops, Ukrainian specialists and the National Guard, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Wednesday, reported Russian state news agency TASS.
“Currently, control over the situation at the Chernobyl NPP is being exercised jointly by Russian servicemen, Ukrainian specialists, the plant’s civilian personnel, and that country’s National Guard,” she said, adding that Ukraine’s allegations about 20-fold radiation increase at the Chernobyl plant are not true.
According to Zakharova, the Zaporozhye nuclear plant is also operating routinely and the situation in Energograd if calm. “The actions of the Russian military in this dangerous situation were motivated by the necessity to prevent a nuclear provocation from Ukrainian nationalists, who seem to have nothing to lose. As a matter of fact, they have ben trained to do it. That is why Russian troops are taking Ukraine’s nuclear facilities under control,” she said.
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Never underestimate Putin’s ability to F things up.
Don’t believe everything a soviet tells you. They’re both soviets.
never underestimate NPC’s ability to be an idiot
Bullsh!t, trying to start WW3