Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe: Where God Is Increasingly Important In People’s Lives

Where God Is Increasingly Important In People's Lives
Screenshot RFERL

Russia has just enshrined the Russian Orthodox Church into its constitution, while also outlawing gay marriage.

In Ukraine, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has broken off from the patriarch in Moscow, forming is own autocepholas body.

The Central European nation of Poland just re-elected its conservative party president, cementing support for Poland’s Catholic conservatism for years to come.

One thing Eastern European countries have in common is the rise of the Christian religion, as opposed to Western Europe which has largely abandoned its Christian heritage.

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pc_PHAGE August 1, 2020 at 2:24 pm

Extreme Nationalism and Christian Supremacism are the most valuable assets for the East Europeans in their resistance to Merkel’s German NWO miasma wafting in from the West.
The best thing to fight a religion with is another religion.–the Crusades showed that.
Islam will soon bring a calamity to Western Europe.
If the US devolves into civil war, the Muslims may make their move for domination in Western Europe.
In fact all kinds of bad things will happen every where.
The most important thing a strong religious presence would bring, is the banning of the Pill+Abortion.
Women will fight tooth and nail to prevent that.
Getting the birth rate up ? is vital–especially for Russia.
Not enough children means not enough future for a society.
Just look at Sweden–In 2030-35, the white 0-44 age cohort will become a minority in their own country.
And the Feminist rulers there have talked about increasing the importation of people who hate them.

Bruce Norton August 3, 2020 at 1:33 am

Привет-I’ve been wondering why you hav no stories about the unjust treatment of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia. Although not officially banned, there has been a steady increase in arrests and detainments. Chech website-Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia,English or Russian version. Russian side has much more detail, but either is a good source of the ongoing situation. A worldwide letter writing campaign occurred when this first started. Since then the European court of human rights and many high officials have condemned the misuse of Russian Federation laws on extremism to go after a nonviolent group like the Witnesses. I like your overall coverage of Eastern Europe,specifically Russia and Ukraine but thought you might be missing this story. Спасибо


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