Eastern Europe

Russia Moves To Ban Gay Marriage

Russia Moves To Ban Gay Marriage
Protest against Russia’s banning of Moscow Gay Pride, 1 July 2011
Image by Peter Gray

The results are in for Russia’s constitutional changes that will prohibit gay marriage throughout the Russian Federation. The lower house of the Russian parliament, or the State Duma, is now moving to codify the changes into legislation.

Seven senators submitted a draft bill late Tuesday to amend Russia’s Family Code and legally ban gay marriage and adoptions, including, according to its authors, by transgender people. The move comes two weeks after voters overwhelmingly approved a set of constitutional amendments that include a provision defining marriage as a “union between a man and a woman,” reported The Moscow Times.

“The bill ends the practice of marriage between persons of the same sex, including those who changed genders,” its co-author, senator Yelena Mizulina, told Interfax.

“The bill must be adopted due to changes in public life, including the public demand to preserve traditional family values and strengthen and protect family institutions,” it reads.

In 2013, Russia passed its ‘gay propaganda’ law making it illegal to expose children under 15 to materials promoting the LGBT agenda.

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Bugstoo July 15, 2020 at 11:24 am

finally we have a country in the world that is doing the right thing.

Vash the Stampede July 15, 2020 at 2:27 pm

Sad to see Russia is becoming one of the few nations left to uphold moral decency, the nuclear family and rejecting the Sodomite false narratives.

Where are you President Trump? *crickets*

Diver Dan July 15, 2020 at 3:28 pm

This would solve many, many social and legal problems in the West. Too bad the ones that need it most aren’t considering it. I fully support this. They belong back in the closet. Out of sight and out of mind.

Bisley July 15, 2020 at 4:51 pm

Good. Marriage is to give legal protection to traditional families, which are the only sort that can create children, and need protection. Others who choose to live together can make their own arrangements through wills, powers of attorney, etc., but it shouldn’t be called marriage, or put on the same level as a marriage.

Homosexual marriage is mainly an attempt by socialists to undermine the existing civilization and order by normalizing perversion and bringing the family down to the level of equality with perversion. Marxists want to eliminate the family, since they want no loyalty other than to the state.

Yukon Eddie July 15, 2020 at 5:04 pm

Finally, something

Yukon Eddie July 15, 2020 at 5:06 pm

Finally, smething Russia and I agree on.

Russ Davis July 15, 2020 at 5:40 pm

Sadly Trump seems on the wrong side on this one since he apparently signalled agreement with episscopagan Gorsuch’s daft opinion lawlessly rewriting Civil Rights legislation to include the corrupt, pervert delusion of sex orientation. Ironic that godless dictatorships like Putin’s are morally ahead of the godless US so-called “democracy.” See “The gay invention” at touchstonemag dot com and DrJudithReisman dot org for exposing of the whole “gay” lie and fraud of godless, deranged,perversion, another false religion like wearing masks actually ineffective against the Wuhan virus. God save us.

Trev July 16, 2020 at 6:49 am

Bisley, you are spot on with your comment. The Marxists have been spewing out their filth all over the world, even Australia has its share of these perverts, something I never thought would happen here. Not content with the obscene alphabet of sexual orientation lie, they target children in the schools to warp their minds to believe these abominations are normal. There will not be enough millstones to go round.

Bruce J July 17, 2020 at 6:07 pm

Praise God, here is one country who is trying to follow the laws of common sense and moral decency.


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