
Kosovo Court At The Hague Rejects Former President’s Request For Interim Release

Kosovo Court At The Hague Rejects Former President’s Request For Interim Release

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On Wednesday, the Court of Appeals at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers (KSC) in The Hague rejected former Kosovo president Hashim Thaci’s request for interim release.

Thaci was denied release by a pre-trial judge in July 2021 as he was deemed at high risk of fleeing Kosovo, and for obstruction of trial proceedings and influence over witnesses.

The court had earlier denied interim release for the three other former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) leaders: Kadri VeseliRexhep Selimi and Jakup Krasniqi.

They face charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes. The prosecution describes the accused as members of a “joint criminal enterprise” sharing the common purpose of gaining and exercising control over Kosovo.

All of them plead not guilty.

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