Balkans News

US Senate Returns to President Trump his Nomination for Ambassador to Tirana, Who Met With Christopher Steele

Kathleen Ann Kavalec
Kathleen Ann Kavalec

Yesterday, the US Senate returned to the President his nomination of Kathleen Ann Kavalec to be Ambassador of the USA to Albania.

Senate Rules stipulate that all “nominations that are pending when the Senate adjourns sine die or recesses for more than 30 days are returned to the President”. Kavalec’s nomination, along all other pending presidential nominations was returned ont he last day of the 115th Congress.

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President Trump nominated Kathleen Ann Kavalec to be the US Ambassador to Albania on 9 July 2018. The Senate Foreign Relation Committee initially scheduled a hearing with Ms. Kavalec in August 2018, only to cancel it in the eleventh hour, and did not reschedule it.

The hearing was cancelled following requests by several senators sitting on Foreign Relations Committee for additional information on Ms. Kavalec, as her name appeared in the list of persons that the Senate Intelligence Committee requested to be questioned in relation to knowledge or involvement in the preparation of the Christopher Steele’s dossier. The investigation by the Intelligence Committee was promoted by revelations that Steele, who alleged of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, was hired and paid by the Hilary Clinton campaign.

Several American media outlets have revealed that Deputy Assistant Secretary Kathleen Ann Kavalec, her former boss Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland, and Jonathan Winer, a former adviser to former Secretary John Kerry, had supplied information to former Bruce Or, while Mrs. Kavalec, also, personally met with Christopher Steele.

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While it is unclear whether Mrs. Kavalec ever appeared before the House Intelligence Committee, now it is clear that the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee has blocked her confirmation, for now. It remains to be seen if President Trump will renomintae Mrs. Kavalec to the position of Ambassador, after all.

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