Central Europe News

Hungary Doesn’t Back Down On Getting Rid Of Soros University In Budapest

Image by Babylonien86
Logo of Central European University

The Central European nation of Hungary is not backing down on its bid to rid itself of the university set up by George Soros in Hungary several decades before. This is in spite of intense pressure from the European Union and Leftist groups in the West to allow the school to continue operations in Budapest. Hungary sees the institution as undermining the Hungarian government and Christian culture itself, by indoctrinating its students to follow the Marxist, globalist, Soros agenda.

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The technique used by the Orban administration is to attack the fact that Central European University (CEU) issues American diplomas but has no campus in the United States.

“The Hungarian law on higher education says it very clearly that you can issue a graduation diploma of another country, if you have a school there,” Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto told AFP in an interview.

The government, he said, has “not received any signal that (CEU) would have opened up a school in the US, or would have an education programme in the US, according to the Hungarian legislation”.

He stressed that CEU fulfilled all the legal conditions to “issue Hungarian graduation”, but that it could not also issue a US diploma without fulfilling the criteria of having a campus in the United States, reported AFP.

“Why should CEU be given the same right, (taking) into consideration that they have no school in the United States?” he asked.

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The European Union has initiated Article 7 ‘infringement procedures’ against Hungary in part over the issue, in addition to Hungary not allowing migrants into the country as directed by Brussels.

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