Eastern Europe News

Drunk Russian Policeman Empties Pistol Into Air, Decides To Play Russian Roulette As To Round In Chamber, And Loses

A drunk Russian policeman, after emptying his service pistol into the air, declared to his friends he had no rounds left after returning to the drinking establishment cafe. They warned him there may be a round still in the chamber. He boisterously declared there was not, and to prove it, put the weapon to his temple and pulled the trigger.

He lost.

“The incident occurred on October 25, 2018 in the city of Khasavyurt. A medical officer was taken to a medical facility with a gunshot wound, who, being out of service, injured himself as a result of careless handling of a weapon,” the agency’s source said.

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“He had a Stechkin pistol. Putting the weapon on automatic mode, he went outside and started shooting in the air. Returning back, he said he was emptying the clip. But friends advised him to be careful, because the bolt could jam the last cartridge. But the man he argued that there were no cartridges left, and, putting the gun to his head, pulled the trigger. A shot went right in the head, “said the agency interlocutor.

The head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan, Ruslan Ibragimgadzhiev, said that according to this fact, an official check was appointed by the department’s leadership. “According to the results, the police officer will be dismissed, and his direct leadership will be brought to strict disciplinary responsibility,” he explained, reported Russian news outlet Interfax.

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