
Shocking! European Commission President Celebrates Karl Marx, This Is Why Europe Is Dying

Image by Barbara Mürdter

Many in America wonder why Europe is heading towards another try at a socialist utopia, why they are eagerly importing millions of Islamic, economic migrants which will destroy their security and culture forever, why the European Union is marching towards an oppressive, socialist, superstate. Well, here is one answer for you-the president of the European Commission, the entity which runs the day to day affairs of the Union, just gave a speech triumphantly celebrating the man whose philosophy led to the deaths of over 200 million souls.

To top it all off, China donated a massive, bronze statue of the philosopher, and helped fund the event.

The Estonian Institute, which is dedicated to researching the history of totalitarian regimes, put it this way in reaction, “According to the institute, Juncker justified the founder of communism in saying that Marx does not bear responsibility for the horrors that his followers must be held responsible for. During Friday’s events in Trier, Juncker held a speech and opened exhibitions. China presented the city of Trier with a big statue of Marx which was unveiled as part of the festivities,” wrote The Baltic Times.

The Bitter Fruits of Globalist Communism

“We have no alternative but to see Karl Marx as bearing joint responsibility for the consequences of the ideology that he initiated, and not merely as a utopian philosopher. The participation of the President of the European Commission in Marx’s bicentenary festivities does not support a deeper mutual understanding among European peoples with differing historical experiences. This is a moral conflict.

“The Communist Manifesto, which was published 170 years ago and became the political program of the communist movement, prescribed violent class struggle and the subjection of all relations in society to total control. Communism is insurmountably at variance with the principle of the democratic state based on the rule of law that respects personal liberties, which is one of the fundamental principles of the European Union.

“Sooner or later, all communist regimes became criminal and The Communist Manifesto was one of the fundamental sources for the policies of all those regimes. The issue is not the arbitrary implementation of ideology. Communist ideology, which formulated a vision of the future without alternative options, was hostile towards humanity in and of itself.

A Quote From A Man Who Experienced The Evils Of Communism…Beware

“The head of the European Commission must honor the experience of the past of all Europeans and peoples of Europe, and avoid trivializing the memory of the destruction carried out by totalitarian regimes. Such trivialization is precisely what resonates from the honoring of the memory of Karl Marx on the 200th anniversary of his birth,” reported The Baltic Times.

UKIP MEP and the party’s former leader Paul Nuttall said: “It is appalling that Jean-Claude Juncker feels it necessary to commemorate a man whose ideology – Marxism/Communism – led to more than 100 million deaths…Both Marx and his warped ideology should not be commemorated, they should be consigned to the dustbin of history,” reported Express in the UK.

Perhaps shedding some light on the beliefs of EU officials will shed some light on the agenda behind their policies and behavior.

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