Eastern Europe News

Russian ‘Escort’ Says She Has Goods On Trump Collusion And Will Provide To FBI…For A Get Out Of Jail Free Card

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Russian nationals Alexander Kirillov and Anastasia Vashakevich, better known under the pseudonyms Alex Leslie and Nastya Rybka, were arrested in Thailand recently for organizing a ‘sex training’ orgy. They face a trial, deportation, and a fine.

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The pair gained notoriety recently when they successfully entrapped Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska and Russian Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Prikhodko with alleged evidence of corruption while on board Deripaska’s yacht off the Norwegian coast. Rybka advertises herself as an ‘oligarch pickup artist’ and was trained by Leslie for a year before attempting the sting.

In a desperate attempt at freedom, Rybka offered ‘Russian collusion information’ on Donald Trump to the FBI in exchange for help getting out of prison. Russian news outlet RIA Novoste reported both will be tried and deported, along with a possible $3,000 fine.

“The Pattaya police unofficially informed us of the detention of Russians who participated in the illegal training, because the police do not have to notify the embassies about detentions for illegal work and visa violations.The police confirmed that among the detainees there are Alexander Kirillov, known as Alex Leslie, and Anastasia Vashakevich, who is known in Russia as Nastya Rybka, “the diplomat said. “According to the police, all the detainees are awaiting trial and deportation from Thailand,” he added, reported RIA.

“Leslie faces a fine of more than $3,000, and Russia’s embassy in Thailand has confirmed that he’ll be deported back to Russia, along with Rybka. According to The Nation, police detained 43 of Leslie’s customers, each of whom reportedly paid $625 to participate in his program,” reported Meduza.

“Nastya Rybka stated that she is ready to provide American journalists with information about Russia’s interference in the us election in exchange for assistance in release from prison and security assurances,” declared her Instagram page.

“The Huntress lives in a world of intense emotions, the aim of which is change. She lives in the here and now, and doesn’t think about the past or the future. Because emotions only exist in the here and now, not in the past or the future. So she goes out with men and, because she lives in the world of intense emotions, she shares some of this emotional experience with them. And they fall in love with her. Even extremely rich men fall in love with her, precisely because their usual ways of impressing women don’t work on her. They can’t have her just because they drive a Lamborghini or shower her with money. Why not? Because she does not value these things; what she values is emotion. This makes the Huntress unattainable for rich men,” wrote Rybka as she explained her beguiling ways and success going after Russian billionaires.

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Охотница живет в эмоциональном мире, объекты которого – это изменения. Она живет здесь и сейчас, она не думает о прошлом и будущем. Потому что эмоции существуют только здесь и сейчас, не в прошлом и не в будущем. Поэтому она встречается с мужчинами, и так как она живет в эмоциональном мире, она дает им кучу эмоций. И они влюбляются в нее. И очень богатые мужчины влюбляются в нее еще и потому, что стандартными вещами они ее зацепить не могут. Они не могут зацепить ее, покатав на «Ламборджини» или кучу бабок ей отвалив. Почему? Потому, что для нее это не является ценностью, ее ценность – это эмоция. А чем может цеплять богатый мужик? Он привык цеплять одним и тем же. Статусом. Деньгами. Системными вещами. А она – не системный игрок. Она человек в которого может зацепить только что-то эмоциональное. Поэтому она для этих мужиков недоступна и эти мужики влюбляются в нее. Они не могут ее купить. Посадить дома. Заставить ее делать то, что они хотят. Притом что она передает им достаточно глубокие эмоции, так как она этому научена. Научена раскачивать любого человека, вызывать в нем чувства. (с) Отрывок из книги «Дневник по соблазнению миллиардера или клон для олигарха» Н.Рыбка ____________________________________________ The Huntress lives in a world of intense emotions, the aim of which is change. She lives in the here and now, and doesn’t think about the past or the future. Because emotions only exist in the here and now, not in the past or the future. So she goes out with men and, because she lives in the world of intense emotions, she shares some of this emotional experience with them. And they fall in love with her. Even extremely rich men fall in love with her, precisely because their usual ways of impressing women don’t work on her. They can’t have her just because they drive a Lamborghini or shower her with money. Why not? Because she does not value these things; what she values is emotion. This makes the Huntress unattainable for rich men.? #дерирыбка #бедныйолег #настярыбка #дневникрыбки #дневникпособлазнениюмиллиардера #олегдерипаска #явтемелесли #навальный #приходько

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