Column 1 News

Trilateral Contact Group To Meet Again In Minsk

Trilateral Contact Group To Meet Again In Minsk
Image by Kremlin.ru

The conflict in the Donbass region of East Ukraine has been simmering for months, with sporatic outbreaks of fighting and use of banned heavy weapons per the 2015 Minsk agreements. For the most part, the agreements signed have dampened heavy fighting somewhat but that is changing as both sides violate the pact as they jockey for positioning in any future armistice.

The next meeting of the Trilateral Contact Group will be tomorrow in Minsk, Belarus. Security, prisoner exchange, and the problems facing civilians in the conflict zone will be on the agenda. Many of the past promises have not been kept and so much of the prior agenda is still on the table, reports Russian state news agency TASS.

“Verification of the prisoners, which the parties agreed to hold before May 15, was not fully implemented, and representatives of the proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic announced their intention to raise this issue again at a regular meeting in Minsk. Because of Kiev’s decision to stop supplying water to the Lugansk People’s Republic, the issues of water supply for the Republic will be discussed again,” reports TASS.

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