Column 3 News

Georgian Citizens Kidnapped From Cemetery At The South Ossetian Border

Three Georgian citizens were kidnapped by Russian-controlled border guards near the boundary line with de facto Tskhinvali (South Ossetia) today.


See The Village Artsevi Above


The source confirms that 3 young persons were trying to cross the wire border to visit the cemeteries of their ancestors.


The fact of kidnapping is not officially confirmed yet, but investigations are ongoing.

“I can not confirm the fact of kidnapping yet, but I can say we are trying our best to bring our citizens back to  their families” – Says Oniashvili, Head Of Gori Municipality.

Ketevan Tsikhelashvili, Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality says the government is doing all that is possible deal with the incident as soon as possible.

“We are trying to confirm the information at the moment. We know that the residents of the village Artsevi, 3 young people, were at the territory of the cemetery. This fact proves the disgusting face of the Russian occupation that does not care about regular people’s’ interests. We are doing all possible to get our citizens back”

This issue have been the  matter of negotiations for couple of years now. Citizens of Georgia are no longer able  to visit the cemeteries of their ancestors and loved ones that are left beyond the border line after the expansion of the Russian occupation. The De-facto government of Tskhnivali does not permit them to arrive at the territory.

“We are regularly trying to bring international attention to this issue and get the agreement with the official Moscow. Despite the fact that they never responded, we are still trying  to defend the interests of our citizens  – declares Tsikhelashvili. “This is a humanitarian  issue, it does not have to do anything with political discourses”

Easter Monday is traditionally the day, when all the Christian Orthodox go to the cemeteries to visit their ancestors and loved ones. The big majority of Russians also commemorate this day.


Three Residents Of Border Village Artsevi Detained By Russian Border Guards

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