Column 3 News

From Russia To The Cosmos: First Tourist In Space Planned For 2020


Did you ever dream of visiting places like Yury Gagarin did? It’s easiest than ever now!  With the Russian “KosmoKurs” company you can take a trip into the cosmos in 2020. In order to get on a spaceship you will only need to pay 200-250 thousand dollars (the price to be confirmed), undergo a three-day training period, and get a medical examination.

The duration of space trips will be 15 minutes, including five or six minute tours in zero gravity and moving freely inside the cabin area of ​​30 square meters. This will be possible after reaching a height of about 100 kilometers above the earth. The tour group will consist of six persons.

The project, which cost an average of $ 150 million, has already received the green light to the development from the Russian Space Agency, and is in progress. The flights to be tested and will begin in 2019-2020 years.

The exact price of the tickets, as well as the eligibility, will be confirmed  in 2018 after the launch of the standalone tests. The company has already appealed to the citizens of Russia for those with the desire to go on a space trip. Some of them are starting medical examinations soon.


The ground infrastructure of Kosmoskurs, in addition to the launch complex, will include technical, charging, boarding and hotel complexes, as well as buildings for the tourist training.

The initiative of the project belongs to a private investor from Russia, the amount of investment is not yet known.









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