Chinese Warships Dock At Russian Baltic Ports For War Games
Chinese Warships Dock At Russian Baltic Ports For War Games.
Chinese Warships Dock At Russian Baltic Ports For War Games.
Image by Zorro2212 The pressure on the Polish government is increasing over the laws recently passed by the Polish lower house of parliament which would change the selection procedures for the nation’s top courts. Prime Minister Beata Szydlo gave a public speech today on television today in which she defended…
As the 100 year anniversary approaches of the murder of Tsar Nicholas II, his family, and close advisors by Soviet revolutionaries, the descendants of the Russian monarchy are demanding a public trial into the entire affair. “We need a official criminal investigation and court justice process over them, who tortured…
Image by Cjs2111 The European Union threatened Poland today, demanding recently passed changes to the judiciary selection process be halted within one week or face further sanctions, or worse, from Brussels. The laws would place selection of the judiciary under the realm of parliament and the justice minister, instead of…
Russian State Duma Passes Law To Strip Terrorists Of Russian Citizenship.
Image by Tan Khaerr The ceasefire agreement in southern Syria reached by Moscow and Washington will not be revoked only because Israel’s fears, and it would be more reasonable for Israel to find a way “to live with this” instead of coming down on this agreement, a senior Russian parliamentarian…
Image by Rob984 Alexander Zakharchenko, the leader of the Donetsk People’s Republic, or DPR, announced on Russian television today that the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Donbass, as well as other ares of the former Soviet republic of Ukraine, would form a new state called Malorossiya, or ‘Little Russia,’ which…
Image by AgnosticPreachersKid Russia and the Trump administration traded comments over the ‘dacha’ issue over the last few days in the press. The Obama administration seized the diplomatic compounds as punishment for Russia’s ‘interference’ in the 2016 election. There was no mention by Obama at the time, of Hillary Clinton’s…