
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Democracy Is The First Casualty Of The Globalist World Takeover

The globalist movement is an offspring of the twin totalitarian ideologies of the 20th century, communism and fascism

The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: Democracy Is The First Casualty Of The Globalist World Takeover
George Soros, one of the leaders of the globalist movement
Image by
Jeff Ooi

A Roman soldier once came to Rabbi Akiva and demanded that he explain to him the entire Torah while standing on one foot or else. Rabbi Akiva (presumably standing on one foot) replied: “Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you. Now go forth and study the rest!”

If someone asked me to explain democracy while standing on one foot, I would say that it is the willingness to accept political defeat and surrender power even when you don’t really have to. 

Think about it: you have all the trappings of power, all the flunkies you could ever want are hanging on your every word, all the doors of power worldwide are open to you and not only that, but you are absolutely convinced that you can do the best job of leading your nation. And then you lose an election by a few percent or fractions of a percent and although you could try and figure out whether you can somehow override the election result, ferret out who in the military would be still loyal to you regardless of the results, declare an emergency and stay in office, you pack up, wave, and leave.

There is a certain set of conditions that must be met for this unnatural voluntary surrender of power. These conditions involve the trust that the elections were held in a fair manner and that your opponent and now successor substantially shares your fundamental beliefs and your goals for your country, though he may have radically different ideas how these goals may be best achieved. 

This last condition is key. Democracy depends on the absolute trust that the guy who replaces you, though you may in private call him every name in the book, still wants the best for your people, including you. “Perhaps his ideas will work,” you are thinking to yourself. “Most folks seemed to have thought so.”

Then there is a second, no less important component to the peaceful transition of political power. This component involves the belief, the trust, that political power matters, that elected officials are endowed with actual power to effect change, sometimes transformational change. 

Democracy, in short, rest on a trifecta of beliefs: the belief in fair elections, the belief that all candidates want the best for the country and its citizens, and the belief that once elected, officials so honored can implement the policy ideas they had run on.

A Roman soldier once came to Rabbi Akiva and demanded that he explain to him the entire Torah while standing on one foot or else. Rabbi Akiva (presumably standing on one foot) replied: “Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you. Now go forth and study the rest!”  If someone asked me to explain democracy while standing on one foot, I would say that it is the willingness to accept political defeat and surrender power even when you don’t really have to.  Think about it: you have all the trappings of power, all the flunkies you could ever want are hanging on your every word, all the doors of power worldwide are open to you and not only that, but you are absolutely convinced that you can do the best job of leading your nation. And then you lose an election by a few percent or fractions of a percent and although you could try and figure out whether you can somehow override the election result, ferret out who in the military would be still loyal to you regardless of the results, declare an emergency and stay in office, you pack up, wave, and leave.  There is a certain set of conditions that must be met for this unnatural voluntary surrender of power. These conditions involve the trust that the elections were held in a fair manner and that your opponent and now successor substantially shares your fundamental beliefs and your goals for your country, though he may have radically different ideas how these goals may be best achieved.  This last condition is key. Democracy depends on the absolute trust that the guy who replaces you, though you may in private call him every name in the book, still wants the best for your people, including you. “Perhaps his ideas will work,” you are thinking to yourself. “Most folks seemed to have thought so.”  Then there is a second, no less important component to the peaceful transition of political power. This component involves the belief, the trust, that political power matters, that elected officials are endowed with actual power to effect change, sometimes transformational change.  Democracy, in short, rest on a trifecta of beliefs: the belief in fair elections, the belief that all candidates want the best for the country and its citizens, and the belief that once elected, officials so honored can implement the policy ideas they had run on.  Globalism has destroyed all three.  Since globalists believe that the well-being of the entire population of the planet as defined by them and them alone supersedes all other considerations, they do their utmost by rigging primary elections, collecting and disseminating kompromat, etc to prevent candidates who aren’t hand-picked by them to ever appear on the ballot. In the rare instances they fail in this endeavor they rig the general elections to stop any candidates whom they consider “beyond the pale” from winning. The more popular the anti-globalist candidate, the more blatant is the globalist subversion of the electoral system and its rigging against him.  Globalist candidates, by definition, do not want what is best for their country and its citizens. And who can blame them, since they clearly do not recognize the very concepts of country and citizenship? Globalist candidates do not care about the wellbeing of those who vote for them except as it comes to their ability to make it to the polling station. They have a totally different calculus and a different function that they seek to optimize, one in which their own country and its citizens play only a minor role if any.  Finally, the globalists are not dumb. They realize that people have an atavistic penchant for preferring their own wellbeing to those of others in remote lands and especially those others who are openly hostile to them. Globalists also realize that their ideology of preferring the interests of foreigners to those of their own people may, from time to time, breach their ramparts of rigged elections and candidate vetting and elect a non-globalist to high office.  In fact, this outcome is not entirely undesirable to the globalists because it maintains the illusion that voting matters and that the public has some sort of say in who governs them. In this, globalism is a much more sophisticated totalitarian ideology than its parents communism and fascism. Globalists realize that secret police and torture chambers are far more tedious and expensive and far less effective than the maintenance of a Matrix-like illusion of democracy. The only tricky part in this is making sure that once elected, non-globalist candidates can do nothing to oppose globalist policies.  This is accomplished via a two-pronged approach: first, elected non-globalists are offered the carrot of various incentives once they leave office if they consent to abandon the promises they had made to their voters and toe the globalist line. Very nearly all of the GOP congressional delegation, both in the House of Representatives and in the Senate routinely fall easy prey to this approach.  And then there is the final line of defense, the unelected, unaccountable, un-dismissable bureaucracy known of late as the deep state. These people simply do what they want without any regard to any supposed chain of command and what they want to do is carry out the agenda of their globalist masters. The idea behind the deep state isn’t simply to resist lawful orders given to them by their elected superiors, it is to demonstrate to them, as quickly as possible, the utter futility of issuing any orders that countermand the globalist agenda.  Given the twin choices of abandoning their non-globalist agenda, one that would in any case fail to be implemented while reaping rich rewards and on the other hand trying to ram through orders that would be resisted at every step of the way at the price of getting one’s character destroyed, fortune stolen, and family hounded, it is little wonder that ever since the globalist takeover of America in the second term of the Reagan administration there had been precisely one president who chose Door #2: president Trump.  Of all the damage done by Trump to the globalist agenda, by far the most serious from the globalists’ perspective is that his entire presidency is one big demonstration of the fact that the US is no longer a constitutional republic and that it has not been that for quite a while, in fact for longer than most Americans’ lifetimes. In mathematical terms, Trump is a singularity. He is what happens when something is divided by zero. No amount of modeling, no number of Stanford PhD’s can model a singularity or what may or may not happen after it.  The reason that a second term for Trump is, in the words of the arch-globalist Nancy Pelosi, “unacceptable”, is that while his first term is the demolition of the democracy illusion America, his second term may well be the building of something new, something that while falling quite short of restoring the constitutional republic of old, is likely to be something that the globalists may find nearly as dangerous to their agenda.  The globalists now must sacrifice something. The unbalanced equation that is Trump forces them to abandon their best of all worlds policy of totalitarian rule masquerading as a democracy with most folks buying it. Will they sacrifice the pretense of democracy (constitutional republic) and unmask themselves as modern-day stalins, hitlers, mussolinis, and maos, or will they abandon their totalitarian ways and the immense power they have been amassing for decades and restore the republic? A rhetorical question, if there ever was one.  At this point, any further elaboration is a waste of pixels. No one who isn’t blind can mistake the cancel culture, the sexual mishigas, the “impeachment hearings” for anything but the death throes of the American constitutional republic. It isn’t dying, it is dead. Now, let’s fight for what comes next.  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Image by DonkeyHotey

Globalism has destroyed all three. 

Since globalists believe that the well-being of the entire population of the planet as defined by them and them alone supersedes all other considerations, they do their utmost by rigging primary elections, collecting and disseminating kompromat, etc to prevent candidates who aren’t hand-picked by them to ever appear on the ballot. In the rare instances they fail in this endeavor they rig the general elections to stop any candidates whom they consider “beyond the pale” from winning. The more popular the anti-globalist candidate, the more blatant is the globalist subversion of the electoral system and its rigging against him. 

Globalist candidates, by definition, do not want what is best for their country and its citizens. And who can blame them, since they clearly do not recognize the very concepts of country and citizenship? Globalist candidates do not care about the wellbeing of those who vote for them except as it comes to their ability to make it to the polling station. They have a totally different calculus and a different function that they seek to optimize, one in which their own country and its citizens play only a minor role if any. 

Finally, the globalists are not dumb. They realize that people have an atavistic penchant for preferring their own wellbeing to those of others in remote lands and especially those others who are openly hostile to them. Globalists also realize that their ideology of preferring the interests of foreigners to those of their own people may, from time to time, breach their ramparts of rigged elections and candidate vetting and elect a non-globalist to high office. 

In fact, this outcome is not entirely undesirable to the globalists because it maintains the illusion that voting matters and that the public has some sort of say in who governs them. In this, globalism is a much more sophisticated totalitarian ideology than its parents communism and fascism. Globalists realize that secret police and torture chambers are far more tedious and expensive and far less effective than the maintenance of a Matrix-like illusion of democracy. The only tricky part in this is making sure that once elected, non-globalist candidates can do nothing to oppose globalist policies.

This is accomplished via a two-pronged approach: first, elected non-globalists are offered the carrot of various incentives once they leave office if they consent to abandon the promises they had made to their voters and toe the globalist line. Very nearly all of the GOP congressional delegation, both in the House of Representatives and in the Senate routinely fall easy prey to this approach. 

And then there is the final line of defense, the unelected, unaccountable, un-dismissable bureaucracy known of late as the deep state. These people simply do what they want without any regard to any supposed chain of command and what they want to do is carry out the agenda of their globalist masters. The idea behind the deep state isn’t simply to resist lawful orders given to them by their elected superiors, it is to demonstrate to them, as quickly as possible, the utter futility of issuing any orders that countermand the globalist agenda.

Given the twin choices of abandoning their non-globalist agenda, one that would in any case fail to be implemented while reaping rich rewards and on the other hand trying to ram through orders that would be resisted at every step of the way at the price of getting one’s character destroyed, fortune stolen, and family hounded, it is little wonder that ever since the globalist takeover of America in the second term of the Reagan administration there had been precisely one president who chose Door #2: president Trump.

Of all the damage done by Trump to the globalist agenda, by far the most serious from the globalists’ perspective is that his entire presidency is one big demonstration of the fact that the US is no longer a constitutional republic and that it has not been that for quite a while, in fact for longer than most Americans’ lifetimes. In mathematical terms, Trump is a singularity. He is what happens when something is divided by zero. No amount of modeling, no number of Stanford PhD’s can model a singularity or what may or may not happen after it. 

The reason that a second term for Trump is, in the words of the arch-globalist Nancy Pelosi, “unacceptable”, is that while his first term is the demolition of the democracy illusion America, his second term may well be the building of something new, something that while falling quite short of restoring the constitutional republic of old, is likely to be something that the globalists may find nearly as dangerous to their agenda. 

The globalists now must sacrifice something. The unbalanced equation that is Trump forces them to abandon their best of all worlds policy of totalitarian rule masquerading as a democracy with most folks buying it. Will they sacrifice the pretense of democracy (constitutional republic) and unmask themselves as modern-day stalins, hitlers, mussolinis, and maos, or will they abandon their totalitarian ways and the immense power they have been amassing for decades and restore the republic? A rhetorical question, if there ever was one.

At this point, any further elaboration is a waste of pixels. No one who isn’t blind can mistake the cancel culture, the sexual mishigas, the “impeachment hearings” for anything but the death throes of the American constitutional republic. It isn’t dying, it is dead. Now, let’s fight for what comes next. 

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rickey ricardo November 23, 2019 at 7:52 pm

First, Democrats don’t care about due process as the latest impeachment hearings have demonstrated and democracy is a system most primarily concerned with playing the game by the rules. First and foremost, there can be no game without rules.

Second, and more important even than caring about what is best for ourselves is the belief in the right to determine our own destiny. That is freedom, the very essence of freedom. Socrates may argue we may be mistaken in what we think is best for ourselves, but that is what we all want. The choice to decide, to determine our own destiny is freedom, the way we determine how to pursue what is in our own best interests.

Democracy is the tool that allows for flexible change and course adjustment in the hopes that eventually a million Frenchmen will be found to be right most of the time, over time and anyway democracy allows for the people who always pay the price to learn from their mistakes in hopes of achieving better outcomes. The peaceful surrender of power is playing by the rules, following due process in the expectation of a continued, ongoing, free and open process again being played by the rules.

Globalism is concerned with none of these things. Globalism is concerned with consolidation of power for purposes of efficiency, for expanded market share. Globalism is concerned with business, profit, units of labor, consumers and unrestricted abilities to pursue such matters and ends. Globalism is efficiency is search of further consolidation of power…for profit…which after all, is power.

Yes, Trump is a singularity. And he has cost them real money and yet the irony is that he is the one trying to pull their chestnuts out of China’s fire where they stored them in their conceit and stupidity. It is not at all sure he and we shall be able to accomplish all, or any of this. Right now we are losing. China is making their move and they are ahead for the moment, 5G, quantum computing, supersonic missiles, one belt one road blah blah blah. And while they, these globalists and Democrats have served to radicalize Trump and a good many of the little people, it’s not at all clear as to what it is he or they (these little people and supporters) really understand. It is essential, first things first to get clear, to have clear understandings in hopes of having the ability to make clear plans for future action.

And then, batta boom Barauch knocks me out. Eleven rounds, heart and soul and then, boom he knocks me out! Fight for what comes next! Yes, But listen Mensch, this Trump, I love the uncouth son of a bitch to death. He’s Popeye, apple pie and baseball wrapped up in a tacky gold leaf, comes with a trophy wife who speaks 5 languages, neu, wonderful children. Something has to be right after all, but we all have limitations. He buys us time, He finds proper ground upon which to fight. He wins. He fights and he wins, but he is a businessman. He never studied history or literature. He’s not a rabbi, a man of the book, a man of learning though Lord knows, from such skill sets I should only know. Men such as yourself Barauch must begin to think about how to assemble conservative constructs to the way forward. Trump just wins.

If only we could get to him, to influence not a direction, not any specific agenda, just to force some realization that he must not only win; he must lead, lead us somewhere. If only I could introduce him to that concept alone, then men such as yourself could begin to assemble around the notion of reform and adaption to the 21st/c and beyond. This culmination of the enlightenment’s dream of reason and freedom must not be left to perish to the likes of a godless communism, or corporate globalism. Thank you again for all the excitement Barauch. Whew! I can’t keep up! I can’t.

PermReader December 11, 2019 at 1:58 pm

From the Greeks times ,the democracy was based on the humans` trust,that was possible in a small ethnic communities.The growth and turning to empire,usually destroyed the democracies,though the united nation of the metropolis could support the democracy of the privileged.When the imperial components are of the equal size mixtures,democracy finishes by the hatred and jealousness. Democracy can`t exist based on the forced equation of the peoples as in China.

PermReader December 12, 2019 at 3:45 pm

The idea of the trust as a basement of the democracy is looking evident to many thinking people.But why some people trust each other is unclear. Those people ,who” likes each other” feel this trust. Ancient Greeks liked each other very much(read Homer). This high self -esteem was traditional for many european tribes.


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