Eastern Europe News

Poisoned Former Russian Spy Recovering Rapidly

Image by Peter Curbishley

The former Russian spy Sergei Skripal, and his daughter Yulia, who were attacked in the United Kingdom with a nerve agent and hospitalized for weeks, are recovering quickly, no longer in critical condition, and will possibly be released from the hospital soon. Russian media reported last week that Yulia recently called family in Russia, wrote The Moscow Times.

“He is responding well to treatment, improving rapidly and is no longer in a critical condition,” Christine Blanshard, Medical Director at Salisbury District Hospital, said in a statement.

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The two were found unconscious on a park bench in Salisbury, England, and diagnosed as having been attacked by a deadly, Soviet-produced form of nerve gas.

The United States and other Western-allied countries expelled over a hundred and fifty diplomats in response to the attack. The Russian government has denied involvement, and even accused the United Kingdom of being behind the attack in order to further destroy the West’s relationship with the Kremlin.

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The attack came after Russian mercenary and American forces clashed in Syria, resulting in the deaths of possibly hundreds of Russian nationals employed by the Wagner Group. Some analysts see the nerve agent attack as a demonstration of the type of active measures Moscow could employ if a new Cold War continues to develop.

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