Central Europe News

Poland To Modernize Navy To Counter Russia

The Polish Defense Bureau has released a report that recommends Poland increase naval funding to provide a seaborne missile capability on par with Russia and the United States in the region.

“Only in this way will Poland be able to neutralize potential threats, including those emanating from Russia, and to demonstrate its solidarity with allies,” the National Security Bureau report said.

The report cited Russia’s increasing “militarization” in the nearby Baltic Sea and “particularly the Russian anti-access/area denial capabilities in the Kaliningrad region” as the reasons why improvements in Poland’s navy were needed as “an instrument used in foreign relations in the region.”

The goal would be to create a force that could help block Russia’s access to the Baltic Sea in the event of a conflict.

“In the event of cooperation with NATO forces, or at least those of Finland and Sweden, these exits could be easily blocked by the Polish navy, in cooperation with the air forces capable of destroying ships,” the report said, reports Sputnik.

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