
ISIS Praises Volgograd Prison Attackers, Calls Russian Federation ‘Christian Crusaders’

At Least One Reported Dead As Russian Inmates Take Prison Guards Hostage In Volgograd Region

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Two weeks ago, Islamic radical prisoners staged a takeover of a Russian prison in Volgograd, killing four prison workers, and injuring more. The prisoners were eventually killed by Russian snipers.

What has not been widely reported is the ‘religious aspect’ of the crimes.

ISIS leadership praised the incident as a ‘battle against Russian Christian crusaders.’

On August 23, 2024, pro-ISIS Central Asian militants launched yet another violent attack against representatives of the Russian authorities, directly challenging President Putin’s and FSB Chief Aleksandr Bortnikov’s assertion that U.S. and Ukrainian intelligence orchestrated the March ISKP Moscow Crocus City Hall attack, which resulted in 145 deaths and over 551 injuries. The Islamic State is likely to intensify its terror attacks within Russia to assert its sole responsibility for the Crocus City Hall attack and to forcefully demonstrate its “irreconcilable enmity” toward “all Kafirun” states, including the U.S. and Russia, writes Uran Botobekov, Ph.D in History.us.

Our long-term research reveals that jihadi propaganda consistently portrays Russia as an oppressor of Central Asian Muslims, both historically and in recent times, particularly due to its tightening of migration policies that restrict the economic, legal, and religious activities of Central Asian migrants.

They claimed the attack was “revenge for the torment of the Crocus City attackers and the oppression of Muslim believers in Russia.” 

Five days later, on August 29, ISIS officially claimed responsibility for the attack by its Uzbek and Tajik fighters in Volgograd, as reported in issue 458 of its al-Naba magazine.

The editorial praised the attackers as ‘IS lions who placed the religion of Islam above worldly life’ and were accepted by Allah during their battle against the ‘Russian crusaders.’ 

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KLS&C 85 September 7, 2024 at 2:37 pm

Here are two of groups competing to be the ultimate head of the one government New World Order. And guess what, they hate each other!

JonGault September 7, 2024 at 4:15 pm

The editorial praised the attackers as ‘IS lions who placed the religion of Islam above worldly life’ and were accepted by Allah during their battle against the ‘Russian crusaders.’

Now they’re getting their corn pushed in.

John September 7, 2024 at 5:08 pm

JonGault, you are a funny man! My apologies if I misgendered ; ) Made me laugh. Out loud.

Walkin O'Shea September 13, 2024 at 7:57 pm

The Russian Orthodox Church is the final bastion against the NWO and it’s henchmen the Muslim inertia. Power to the Russian government and to the Russian Church. If it brings about the destruction of ISIS and all Muslims it will have done the world a great service. You can’t wait for North Americans or Europeans. They’re useless and weak.


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