anti-war protests

Anti-Globalist Protests in Paris

France On The Brink Of Revolution?

Tens of thousands marched in the streets shouting “Motion of censorship! Vote censorship!” calling on parliament to pass a non-partisan vote of no-confidence in the government to bring down the regime. They also chanted “Out Of NATO,” to express their opposition to Macron’s support for the war in Ukraine while ignoring the needs of his own people.

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Massive Anti-Globalist Protests Rock France

Over 3.5 Million protesters turned out throughout France today, with over 700,000 in the capital of Paris alone, in a massive anti-globalist protest against the Macron regime dubbed #BlocageDeLaFrance. While the mainstream media is billing it as a protest against the government’s pension reform plan, the protesters’ other demands include halting the destruction of France’s energy sector, an end to the war in Ukraine, and an end to the totalitarian Covid policies adopted by the government.

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Hundreds Gather In Washington To Protest War In Ukraine

Hundreds of anti-war protesters gathered in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. on Sunday to protest the war in Ukraine. The turnout of thousands that organizers had anticipated did not materialize. The event called “Rage Against the War Machine,” sponsored by the Libertarian Party and the People’s Party, was broadcast live stream on YouTube with a few thousand viewers. The event included an eclectic group of speakers, the most significant being Dennis Kucinich, Tulsi Gabbard, and Ron Paul.

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