Latest news, headlines and top stories you need to know RIGHT NOW about Russia, the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe.
Russian Foreign Minister – Fight Against Terror Will Be More Effective With Trumps’ Administration.
Baltics Say Increased Defenses Will Deter Russia.
The head of Poland’s Law and Justice Party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, declared he intends to reprimand German Chancellor Angela Merkel for what he sees as the spurious comments towards Poland in the German media. As the conservative leadership in Poland has challenged EU policy, the German media has made their displeasure…
Known for his political actions, Russian artist Petr Pavlensky declared that he’s leaving Russia and is going to ask for political asylum in France. He decided to leave his native homeland as he fears retribution from the security services. Pavlensky told the Ukrainian TV channel “Gromadska” that on December…
“Moscow does not consider the possibility of reducing nuclear weapons in exchange of cutting the sanctions by the United States”, declared the press secretary of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov. “Russia will not sacrifice security for ending of sanctions” – Declared Chairman of the Federation Council’s International Affairs Committee,…
Ukraine Adopting M-16 Variant As Standard Issue Rifle.
Russia has announced it will upgrade its facilities in Syria to handle increased naval and air traffic as well as make them permanent Russian facilities as it cements its hold on the Middle Eastern country it supported in its civil war. The naval base at Tartus, long a Soviet, and…