Citing sources in North Korea, the Russian news agency Interfax is reporting that the North Korean military has embarked on massive artillery exercises. The North Korean forces are training for heavy strikes across the border on Seul and strategically located South Korean islands. North Korean strongman Kim Jong Un was…
As winter approaches, the temperature has gotten exponentially hotter on the Crimean Peninsula and Ukraine’s border with Russia. It is as if both Moscow and Kiev can see the writing on the wall, that a final solution is about to be imposed to the smoldering contest for dominance in Ukraine’s…
Florence Nightingale and Lord Tennyson are two of many historical personages who have been delegated to the corridors of dusty libraries, both real and virtual, to be visited all too seldom by bleary-eyed graduate students. And yet, had our media been worth but one percent of their overblown self-estimate, these…
Faced with the possibility of losing his American colonies, King George III of England petitioned Catherine the Great of Russia for 20,000 of her crack troops to help squelch the rebellion. At the end of the 18th century, the Russian army under the command of the undefeated General en Chef…
Russian media is reporting that His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and of All Russia Cyril (Kiril) is promoting the introduction of obligatory curriculum in Russian Orthodox Church studies in Grades 1 through 11 (last grade in Russian high schools). His Holiness noted that “no wholesome, synergetic education can take…