Russia Says It Does Not Have Substantial Differences With US Over Iran Deal-Is A Deal Imminent?
Russia Says It Does Not Have Substantial Differences With US Over Iran Deal-Is A Deal Imminent?
Russia Says It Does Not Have Substantial Differences With US Over Iran Deal-Is A Deal Imminent?
Trump Spokesman Says Crimea Sanctions To Remain In Place Until Russia Leaves Peninsula.
Since the days of Ronald Reagan’s Star Wars, the Kremlin has been worried about Western missile defense. In fact, one could make the case that the development of this technology is what brought down the Soviet Union, as they could not keep up with the arms race. Gorbachev became aware…
Ukrainian pro-Russian separatist leader Mikhail “Givi” Tolstykh was assassinated by a bomb blast in his office said rebel authorities. This is the second rebel commander to be killed this way in recent weeks. Ukrainian rebels blamed the Ukrainian government but Kyiv denied any involvement, reports UPI. “I can’t confirm this…
The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, today praised U.S. President Donald Trump’s approach to the conflict in East Ukraine. The war has simmered for several years now in the Donbass region and has killed over 10,000 people since its inception in 2014. The diplomatic world has been on edge waiting…
The Hi-Tech Traditionalist: The End Of The Russian Empire?
One of the reasons the blow up between Russia and Turkey did not last very long is that both sides realized the economic cost of bad relations was too much to bear. Turkey lost billions on tourism and farm exports. Russia lost a chance to move hydrocarbons around Ukraine. The…
With a half-million protesters in the streets of Bucharest on the sixth day of public anger, the largest demonstrations since the end of communism, the left of center government of Romania vowed today to stay in power. However, there were signs of weakened support for the revision of the anti-corruption…
The former Soviet republic of Latvia will dismantle the last of Soviet missile silos in the northeast of the country, reports the online portal, Delfi. The Dvina R-12 Missile Compound houses four silos that will be dismantled and the land used for other purposes. They shafts are 32 meters deep….