Eastern Europe

Russia Pulls Out Of INF Treaty In Tit-For-Tat

Russia Pulls Out Of INF Treaty In Tit-For-Tat
Moscow river & Kremlin. Moscow, Russia
Image by
Oleg Yu.Novikov

The Russian Federation suspended its participation in the Intermediate Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty after the United States did the same in a tit-for-tat measure.

“We will do as follows. We will come up with a tit-for-tat response. American partners have announced suspension of their participation in the treaty, and we will suspend,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Saturday, reported Russian state media agency TASS.

“As before, all our proposals in that field (containment of short-and intermediate-range missiles) remain on the table, the doors for talks are open,” he said. “Meanwhile, I am asking both ministries not to initiate any talks on that issue in the future. Let us wait and see our partners become mature enough to conduct an equitable and meaningful dialog with us on that crucial issue – both for us, for our partners, and for the whole world,” Putin emphasized.

“Over the past several years we have seen that the partners do not support our initiatives. On the contrary, (they) are constantly looking for certain pretexts to dismantle the global security system that has already been created,” added TASS.

“We assume that Russia will not deploy missiles of intermediate and shorter range, if such weapons emerge, either in Europe, or in other regions of the world until such weapons made by the US appear in respective regions of the world,” he noted.

Putin also declared Russia will develop intermediate range hypersonic missiles to counter any American deployment.

“It (US) has announced research and development works, and we will do the same,” he said at a meeting with Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Saturday.

“I agree with the Defense Ministry’s proposals to start the work on ‘landing’ Kalibr missiles and developing a new area to create a land-based hypersonic missile with intermediate range,” Putin noted.

The main reason for American withdrawal from the treaty is the Chinese threat, who is not a signatory to the INF agreement.

“China opposes the United States’ move to denounce the treaty and urges the US and Russia to properly settle the differences through an efficient dialogue,” the statement runs. “The US’ unilateral withdrawal from the Treaty may have a whole number of implications, China will closely monitor the developments,” a Chinese Foreign Ministry noted, wrote TASS.

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