Central Asia

Armenian Military Officer Taken Into Azerbaijani Custody

Armenian Military Officer Taken Into Azerbaijani Custody
2020 Armenian–Azerbaijani clashes
Image by VartanM

YEREVAN — An Armenian soldier has been taken into the custody of Azerbaijani forces under disputed circumstances in an area where both the rival Transcaucasus states maintain heavy troop presences.

The Armenian Defense Ministry said the junior officer, Gurgen Alaverdian, had lost his way due to “extremely unfavorable weather conditions” as he was preparing to inspect an Armenian front-line position late on August 22.

The ministry did not say whether Alaverdian was near the Armenian-Azerbaijani border or the “line of contact” around Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan’s breakaway region populated mostly by ethnic Armenians…

To read more visit RFERL.

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