Central Asia News

Russia To Upgrade Caspian Naval Base, New Location

Russia is preparing to move its Caspian naval facilities from Astrakhan To Dagestan in a move to beef up its presence on the world’s ‘biggest lake’. The new naval base will be in Kaspiysk; Russia maintains a small naval ground force there currently.

The Russian newspaper Izvestiya wrote the base will be “more advanced than those for the Northern, Baltic, or Black Sea Fleets.”

The construction will entail improving the harbor, building new docks as well as barracks, ammunition storage facilities, and officers’ housing, wrote Eurasia.net.

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Energy security is front and center in today’s world and this development most likely relates to Russia’s desire to control the movement of hydrocarbons in the area if a conflict breaks out. Western nations are working the countries in the Caspian basis to bypass Russian pipelines and move gas to Europe directly.

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