
Tsarizm’s Concern Over Leftist Slant Of VOA/RFERL Confirmed By #NeverTrumpers Pushing Bill At Close Of Congress

Gregory Peck during a performance on Radio Free Europe, October 22, 1953

We at Tsarizm have written extensively about the Leftist, Marxist slant of the coverage emanating from government-funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Free Liberty (RFEFL), which is completely in the anti-Trump, pro-Soros agenda camp. You can see our coverage below:

Government-Funded Radio Free Europe Continues Its Anti-Trump Bias

Government-Funded Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty Biased Against Commander-In-Chief.

The Washington Free Beacon is reporting on news that explains what we have been seeing from this tax-payer financed organization.

Corker, Menendez Push Effort to ‘Neuter’ Trump’s Broadcasting Chief Critics: Bill would protect Obama holdovers at VOA, other entities

It seems the current leadership of the organization is rife with Obama holdovers bent on helping the media and the Deep State destroy the Trump presidency and the Trump agenda around the world.

Outgoing Sen. Bob Corker (R., Tenn.) is teeing up another parting shot to President Trump by facilitating an effort to undermine his choice to lead the nation’s taxpayer-funded global broadcasting operation, according to several GOP sources.

Critics say the Menendez measure would prevent Pack from firing any top officials at the VOA and related agencies, including Amanda Bennett, the controversial current VOA director who is at the center of a fierce partisan battle over her leadership. Corker and Menendez have held up Pack’s confirmation for months.

Former employee Sandra [whom Bennet fired for exposing Chinese deception and evil behavior] Gong argued that under Bennett’s leadership, the VOA has gone further downhill and has veered off on a highly partisan, anti-Trump path. She blamed Bennett for that problem and said she made no bones about openly supporting Hillary Clintons presidential campaign in VOA coverage, to the detriment of both Donald Trump and Democratic rival Bernie Sanders, wrote The Washington Free Beacon.

Another reason for Senator Bob Corker to go…and more proof that Trump’s increase in the number of GOP senators in the mid-term elections is way underestimated.

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