
A Great Power To Request Withdrawal Of NATO And UN from Kosovo, Claims Vucic

A Great Power To Request Withdrawal Of NATO And UN from Kosovo, Claims Vucic

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Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated on Thursday that one of the great powers will request the withdrawal of NATO forces in Kosovo (KFOR) and the United Nations’ UNMIK mission from Kosovo.

If this happens, it would be a catastrophe, Vucic told journalists according to Belgrade-based Tanjug news agency.

He said that he will try to discuss the issue with the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, whom Vucic will be meeting in Brussels on Monday.

Vucic added that he could not reveal the country but that he relied on ‘official sources’.

The mandate of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) was established by the Security Council in its resolution 1244 (1999).

It helps to ensure conditions for a peaceful and normal life for Kosovo citizens and advance regional stability in the Western Balkans.

The Mission has its headquarters in Pristina and is supported by field offices in Mitrovica and Peja.

The NATO-led Kosovo force, KFOR entered Kosovo on June 12, following the adoption of the UN Security Council resolution 1244.

KFOR was initially composed of some 50,000 men and women from NATO member countries, Partner countries and non-NATO countries under unified command and control.

The improved security environment enabled NATO to reduce KFOR troop levels down to around 3,500.

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Cam May 15, 2021 at 3:23 am

NATO and The UN are scam to steal tax dollars for The Military Industrials Conglomerates , nothing more .

andrea May 16, 2021 at 8:34 am

it is IMPERRITIVE that USA leaves NATO and UN , we will save soo much money and stop hurting our own country , UN is nothing more then a sanctified world rapist and plunderer’.! self elected and appointed people trying to steer the world to their ways! WE ( the UAA 1776) MUST get out and get out NOW!


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